By Team Homes | Monday, 12 February 2024

Karnataka Govt soon to make a big decision on Multi-floor building in Cubbon Park

The Karnataka government Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is forecasting to build a multi-storey building in Bengaluru’s Cubbon Park. The multi-storey building, which will have no less than seven to eight floors, will serve as the state’s Election Commission.

The case of approval was pending in the Karnataka High Court and the court permitted the construction of the building inside Cubbon Park without cutting down any trees in 2019.

Again, now the Karnataka government has taken up the matter of constructing the project. A lot of environmentalists & activists are in opposition to the decision of the state government's decision by saying the construction of a building would upset the park’s ecological factors.

Cubbon Park is a most prominent green space located in the heart of Bengaluru. In the weekends, even the vehicular movement is prohibited inside the park.

In accordance with official reports & sources, there has been an old proposal to raze the old Election Commission office situated next to the press club in Cubbon Park. Reportedly, the government is now planning to revitalize the old proposal & construct a massive building there. Environmentalists & other eco-conscious activists are opposing this proposal as it can enlarge the manual & vehicular traffic in Cubbon Park, which will lead to increased pollution levels.

Speaking on to this, Bengaluru Central MP, PC Mohan says, “This is a green genocide, and the government must immediately stop any such plans”. He also said, “The Congress Govt's proposal to erect a 10-storey annexe in Cubbon Park is an assault on our city's greenery. Bengaluru's beloved lung space must be safeguarded, not suffocated by concrete monstrosities. Every Bengalurian must vehemently oppose and stop this green genocide.”