Amazon India has expanded its range of Echo smart speakers in the country. The company has launched the Amazon Echo Pop smart speaker. Priced at 4,999, Echo Pop smart speaker features a semi-hemisphere design. It will be offered in Charcoal, Glacier White, Lavender Bloom and Midnight Teal colour variants. Amazon Echo Pop is a compact smart speaker that is equipped with Alexa features. Users can ask Alexa to play music, audiobooks, and podcasts from favorite providers like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, Sirius XM and more. One can also ask Alexa to set timers, check the weather, read the news, re-order paper towels, make calls, answer questions, and more.
The device also offers easy control with compatible smart home devices like smart plugs or smart light. It comes built with multiple layers of privacy controls, including a
Parag Gupta, Director and Country Manager for Amazon Devices India, said “Echo Pop is a combination of powerful audio, full capabilities of Alexa, and a stylish design. With this latest smart speaker, we have amped up innovation in design to offer more options to customers."
“Aesthetics have become an integral part of our choices today and customers have always appreciated the audio experience of Echo smart speakers. We look forward to customer feedback on Echo Pop’s new design and audio, and hope that it will add more colour, fun and entertainment to their homes," he added.
The new Echo Pop smart speaker is powered by AZ2 Neural Edge processor and supports voice commands in English, Hindi as well as Hinglish. Along with Amazon India website, the device can be purchased via other online and offline platforms, such as Croma, Reliance Digital, Poorvika, and Amazon devices kiosks across India.
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